Eugene, OR – Eugene Springfield Fire crews responded early Wednesday morning to a fire at an abandoned two-story home in West Eugene. The call came in at...
Oregon – The 18-year-old Oregon man, DanieI, was convicted of first-degree murder, r-pe and se-ual abuse after jury found him guilty in connection with the 2022...
Eugene, OR – Governor Tina Kotek met with Clatsop County housing providers and local officials in Astoria to assess the progress made nearly two years into her...
Eugene, OR – According to the state officials, tribal, county, state, and local agencies gathered recently to participate in an emergency preparedness exercise in Southwest Oregon,...
Eugene, OR – The Eugene Police Department confirmed an officer-involved shooting on November 26 in the Moon Mountain and Glenwood Boulevard area while attempting to apprehend a...
Jacksonville, FLORIDA – The 36-year-old Florida man, J. Baucher, was taken into custody and later charged with first-degree murder and other charges in connection with the...
Eugene, OR – According to the state officials, pre-season testing revealed that crabs in some ocean areas have low meat yield, and two areas on the...
Eugene, OR – Eugene Springfield Fire and the Northwest Youth Corps Urban Community Forestry Program are offering a free woody debris drop-off site for residents. There...
Eugene, OR – Burglary crew operating in the Eugene area is targeting homes where valuables such as cash, jewelry, and luxury items are more likely to...
Eugene, OR – According to the city officials, reports have surfaced of residents and businesses placing their leaves out before the scheduled pickup times, creating hazardous...