Crime & Safety
Woman dies while on the job after man, who had only recently been out on paroIe, ‘became angry when the woman didn’t have a key to open a Iocked cabinet’ before he killed her and walked away

Los Angeles, CA – According to the police officials, the 29-year-old man, later identified as Lonie, was arrested and later charged with first-degree murder after he reportedly stabbed a woman, randomIy, in an unpovoked attack. The 65-year-old victim, Jesica, suffered multiple stab wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene, police officials say.
The fatal incident occurred on Monday after the man entered the retaiI store and stabbed the older woman several times before walking away. Police officials said the woman was stabbed randomIy, in an unpr0voked attack. The 29-year-old man reportedly turned himself in during the same day. No motive for the killing was disclosed by the authorities. According to ABC7, another store employee reportedly said that the 29-year-old man became angry when the woman didn’t have a key to open a locked cabinet, but authorities say the attack appeared to be random.
According to the police officials, the 29-year-old man was released from state prison in March and was out on paroIe. The man was out on paroIe parole following a prior robbery conviction. Police officials released a statement, saying that the man reportedly stabbed employee at a California restaurant in 2020 during the armed robbery. He was out on paroIe when the fatal attack took place on Monday.
The 29-year-old man is being held without bond, court records say. The victim’s family has launched an online fundraiser, which has collected more than $20,000 at the time of the writing and stated: “This gofundme is to help her three children take care of her memorial and what she needs provided for in her wake, without the financial burden. Any donation is much appreciated if it is in your heart to do so, as well as the power of prayer and any sharing of this fundraiser. Thank you so much for the support.”
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