Oregon State Marine Board held its quarterly hybrid meeting in Astoria and by Microsoft Teams on April 24, 2024

Eugene, OR – According to the state officials, the Board approved policy options to include in the agency’s recommended budget and statewide boating facility grants.
Agency leadership discussed the 2025-2027 budget and policy development processes.
The agency will focus on improving customer service and seeking approval to increase waterway access funding limitation to meet the volume of waterway access grant requests.
A total of seven facility grant applications were received for the agency’s Cycle 2 grant opportunity.
The grant applications identified $2.6 million in project needs and applicants requested $1,547,500 from the agency’s funding for the 2023-2025 biennium.
The Board conditionally approved the projects where Waterway Access Grant dollars were requested.
The agency will be asking the E-Board for more spending limitation of available funds for the conditionally approved projects.
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