Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted initial recreational spring Chinook seasons on the Columbia River during a joint state hearing, officials say

Eugene, OR – According to the state officials, effective March 1 (downstream of Bonneville Dam) and April 1 (upstream of Bonneville Dam), the following regulations will take the place of permanent rules for the mainstem Columbia River between Buoy 10 and the Oregon/Washington border.
Catch rates and fishery performance will be monitored in season.
Additional fishing days may be added after an in-season update of the expected upriver spring Chinook run size in mid to late May.
Downstream of Bonneville Dam
Dates: Friday, March 1 through Friday, April 5
Bag limit: Two adult hatchery salmonids (Chinook or steelhead) per day, but only one may be a Chinook. Shad may also be retained.
Open area: Buoy 10 line upstream to Beacon Rock (boat and bank) plus only bank angling from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline. Legal upstream boat boundary defined as: a deadline marker on the Oregon bank (approximately four miles downstream from Bonneville Dam Powerhouse One) in a straight line through the western tip of Pierce Island to a deadline marker on the Washington bank at Beacon Rock.
Bonneville Dam to Oregon/Washington State Line (upstream of McNary Dam)
Dates: Monday, April 1 through Thursday, May 2
Bag limit: Two adult hatchery salmonids (Chinook or steelhead) per day, but only one may be a Chinook.
Open area: Tower Island power lines (approximately six miles downstream of The Dalles Dam) upstream to Oregon/Washington state line, plus the Oregon and Washington banks between Bonneville Dam and the Tower Island power lines.
Anglers are reminded that barbless hooks are required when angling for salmon or steelhead in mainstem Columbia River waters from the mouth upstream to the OR/WA state line.
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