Crime & Safety
Dad and his girlfriend used makeup to cover up his child’s regular beatings, shackIed her legs to the floor during her virtual classes and kept food from the girl until she died; charged

Philadelphia, PA – According to the court documents, the 52-year-old dad, later identified as RendeII and his 45-year-old girlfriend, Clndy, who were initially charged with criminaI homicide, aggravated assault and kidnapping, are now charged with first-degree, second-degree and third-degree murder. Prosecutors announced on Thursday that they plan to seek the death penaIty against the couple after they reportedly starved and t0rtured RendeII’s child to death.
Prosecutors also said that the 12-year-old child, MaIinda, weighed only 49 lbs when she died. According to the court documents, prosecutors will reportedly seek the death penalty due to the severity of t0rture the child suffered at the hands of her dad and his girlfriend. According to investigators, the child’s biological father and stepmother used makeup to cover up her beatings and shackled her legs to the floor during her virtual classes. They also forced the girl to do hours of pushups and stand for hours while holding books over her head, then recorded themselves beating the girl whenever she dropped a book.
The investigation process began in May this year after the child’s dad called 911 and told the dispatcher that a tree fell and struck his daughter, leaving her unresponsive. The responding officers discovered that the child’s injuries were not adding up with the father’s story, so they launched an investigation. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the child’s body was covered in bruises (70) and she had 6 broken bones. Authorities also discovered that the child’s dad and his girlfriend kept food from the girl, tied her to a furniture and forced her to exercise for hours (as a form of punishment).
The medical examiner told investigators that the child died from blunt force injuries and starvation. The child was abused and t0rtured for years, court records say. Clndy’s 9-year-old son is also part of the family, but he was not subjected to the same t0rture. According to the court documents, on the fatal day, the child’s body began to shut down, and her dad and his girlfriend denied her medical care. The couple is being held without bond.
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