Crime & Safety
Woman met with her childhood friend in a parking lot only to sell her pills which later caused her friend’s death because they were laced with fentanyI; charged

Atlanta, GA – According to the police officials, the 19-year-old woman from Georgia, later identified as MaIIery, was taken into custody and later charged with aggravated invoIuntary mansIaughter in connection with her friend’s death. Prosecutors claim the woman reportedly sold her chiIdhood friend fentanyI Iaced pills parking lot. The 19-year-old victim, later identified as MakayIa, reportedly died after taking the Iaced pills.
Prosecutors released a statement, saying that the defendant was charged under ‘Austin’s Law,’ which reportedly allows for the conviction of anyone who causes someone to die by the manufacturing or selling of a substance containing fentanyI. The investigation process began in June after the victim’s mom came home and found her child not breathing.
The woman called 911 and told the dispatcher that her daughter was not responsive. First responders attempted life-saving measures, but the woman was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the police officials, toxicology report later determined that the victim had overdosed on fentanyI after consuming Iaced pills.
During the investigation process, authorities later discovered that the victim and the defendant met on a parking lot, where the defendant sold her fentanyI laced pills. According to the prosecutors, dealers can be charged even if they claim they didn’t know pills or narcotics sold had fentanyI in it, under the ‘Austin’s Law’. According to the court documents, if the 19-year-old defendant is found guilty, she faces at least 10 years in prison.
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